Spectrum Herbal The Natural Alternative

 37 Uses for Tea Tree

There are so many Tea Tree uses that it is often called “first aid kit in a bottle”. Tea Tree oil is useful for much more than just first aid. All our Coraki range of products have the perfect amount of Tea Tree.
Tea tree is safe for virtually all skin types. Those with sensitive skin may want to dilute the oil and if you experience any reactions, stop using it and consult your health practitioner.


Tea Tree uses around the house

  1. For washing machines, add 2 teaspoons of Organic Tea Tree oil to washing machine for a clean fresh fragrant. It deters moths and silverfish when washing water have Organic Tea Tree Oil added.
  2. Nappies washed in water containing Organic Tea Tree oil are cleaned and the antibacterial affect leaves them fresh.
  3. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil to a napkin and toss in dryer.
  4. Household ants and others pests hate tea tree oil, so a few drops put at the point of entry will deter them. Similarly, when you wipe cupboards out with an tea tree oil and water solution, you will find that cockroaches will move out.
  5. Dust mites are deterred when mattresses are wiped with a damp cloth containing a few drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil
  6. Add 5ml of Organic Tea Tree Oil to 5 liters of water when washing windows, floors, toilets, bathrooms and kitchen surfaces.
  7. Remove scuff marks from a vinyl floor by rubbing with a damp cloth containing a few drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil
  8. To kill Dust Mites in Vacuum cleaner by putting a tissue with a few drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil
  9. Organic Tea Tree Oil kills Mildew and mold: Mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil or 4 teaspoons of Water Soluble Tea Tree and 2 cups of water. Spray on mold and mildew and do not rinse.
    Oil doesn’t mix with water, therefore if using none water soluble Tea tree oil, shake well before using.


Tea Tree uses for what ales you.

  1. Cuts & Bruises – It is a must to have Coraki Water Soluble Tea Tree oil around the house for all those antiseptic needs. When those little cuts and bruises occur just put 5 drops in a cup of water and dab on cuts or bruised areas.
  2. Splinters – Add 3 drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil, a teaspoon of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a bowl of warm water. Soak splintered area for 5-10 minutes to soften up the skin and loosen the splinter. Then work it out by applying pressure just below. Use a tweezers to grab it when it protrudes, be sure to get the whole thing. Tea Tree is a natural disinfectant.
  3. Vaginal Thrush – Coraki Water Soluble Organic Tea Tree Oil is known for its natural anti fungal properties making an effective remedy for Candida Thrush. Just add 5 drops of Water soluble tea tree oil to water and douche twice a day for one week. Vaginal infections are very common in woman and if treated immediately, avoids unpleasant itching.
  4. Cold Sores – When you first experience the sensation of a cold sore, dab tea tree oil immediately, 3 times a day. This should stop the cold sore from appearing. In the event of the Cold Sore has already appeared, apply do the same until Cold Sore Disappears.
  5. School Sores – Coraki Water Soluble Organic Tea Tree Oil is gentle enough to use on sensitive skin. Add cap full to a bowl of hot water. With a towel over you head, inhale vapours to kill bacteria in noise. Topically applied to effected areas 3 x day to kill the surface bacteria.
    Using Coraki Soap on Tap or Shower Gel containing Tea Tree is also a great way to help kill bacteria, fungus or virus before they become a problem.
  6. Ears. Relieves earaches and infections: Mix 1 drop of tea tree oil with 1 tsp. olive oil, drop mixture into the ear.
  7. Acne. Add 6ml of water and 2ml of Coraki Water Soluble Organic Tea Tree Oil for sensitive skin. Use cotton ball to apply to and cleanse affected area. Acne is a bacteria and nothings kills bacteria better than Tea Tree oil.
  8. Jock Itch. Mix 10 drops Tea Tree Oil  to 2 table spoon of moisturising cream or carrier oil. Apply 2 times daily. Try Coraki Tea Tree Moisturising cream
  9. Warts – Apply undiluted Tea Tree Oil directly to wart. Use morning and night, until wart begins to disappear. For sensitive skin, .use Coraki Water Soluble Tea Tree oil for Sensitive Skin.


Tea Tree uses for Foot odour and athletes foot

  1. Using Coraki Foot Cleanser, then dry and apply Coraki Foot Balm.  Deodorizes and moisturises  the foot and protect it from fungal problems.
  2. Wash all your socks in water containing Coraki Organic Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia). This will kill the fungus that may re-infect the foot.
  3. Dilute Water Soluble Tea Tree Oil and spray shoes to kill the fungus.


Tea Tree uses for Head Lice

  1. Using Coraki Herbal Conditioner,  add 1 teaspoon of our Water Soluble Tea Tree oil. Apply to hair combing thoroughly threw. Cover with shower cap and leave in hair for up to 30 minutes then
    rinse with hot water. Finally, comb through your hair while it is still wet to remove the dead lice.
  2. Tea Tree is a natural remedy against head lice. As a preventive, wash hair in Coraki Herbal Shampoo and Coraki Herbal Conditioner.
  3. Mix 750 ml of water with a 250 ml bottle Coraki Water Soluble Organic Tea Tree Oil in a spray bottle and spray hair each morning. Spell disappears to the human senses but lice can still smell it and they hate the smell so they will stay away.


Tea Tree uses for personal care

  1. Dandruff – Add 25 drops tea tree oil to any shampoo. Apply a few drops to scalp and massage after washing. Coraki Herbal Shampoo and conditioner has the perfect amount of Tea Tree along with other beneficial ingredients
  2. Gum Disease, Coraki Herbal Tooth Gel and Mouth Cleanser contains Organic Tea Tree to clear and whiten Teeth. It will assist in keeping your mouth, breath and gums healthy as well as aids in fighting plaque.
  3. Cankers, Abscesses and Toothache – Dab Coraki Organic Tea Tree Oil onto mouth for relief. Organic Tea Tree Oil is wonderful for Oral Thrush.
    35. After Shaving – Using our Coraki Organic Tea Tree Oil Cream after shaving keeps the face smooth and may assist in preventing infections and rashes
  4. After Waxing – Using our Coraki Organic Tea Tree Oil Cream after waxing keeps the legs smooth and may assist in preventing rashes and infections
  5. Spa/Bath – Add 20 drops of our Organic Tea Tree Oil for an amazing invigorating bath and enjoy the antiseptic and anti-fungal protection. Tea Tree is anti inflammatory, helping relax sore stiff muscles.
  6. Remove Ear Wax Naturally – Not only does Tea tree oil useful for breaking up wax, it kills any harmful bacteria or fungus that may be present. Lean your head on one side, put a few drop in ear and allow to sit for a few minute. Lean tot he opposite site and clean any run out with a cloth.

Uses for Pets

  1. Help deter fleas by adding one 2 teaspoon of water soluble Organic Tea Tree Oil to 1 cup of water. Pour mixture into a clean spray bottle, and spray your pet’s entire coat with the tea tree oil spray. Repeat this process for the next 4-5 days until fleas have disappeared.
  2. For Ticks apply two drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil directly onto tick. This helps the tick to let go easier. Gently remove tick with as close to the head as possible with tweezers. Apply one drop of Organic Tea Tree Oil to area to stop to any infection.
  3. Add 10 drops of Organic Tea Tree Oil to dogs sleeping blankets; this will help to deter fleas.
  4. Use Shampoo and conditioner containing Tea Tree oils for continued protection.


Tea Tree uses for Out door

  1. Using Organic Tea Tree Oil against biting from sand fly, mosquito and other irritating bites. Just dab Coraki Organic Tea Tree Oil on site of irritation. It also acts as a repellent for some bugs.
  2. Sunburn: Mix 1 drop of tea tree to 1 table spoon of moisturising cream and gently apply to sunburned areas. Try Coraki Tea Tree Moisturising cream.


Tea Tree uses in the garden

  1. Our Coraki Organic Tea Tree Cream makes a great protection for hands before you put on gloves to tackle the garden. Tea Tree provides a protective barrier against cuts and scratches.
  2. Spray Roses with Water Soluble Tea Tree Oil to prevent Afis.